Car and scooter covers photographed at night in Arendal and Stavanger in Norway, in Beijing, and in Creteil, a suburb of Paris. The photographs, with the exception of two, are divided into four equal parts and distributed onto separate spreads. Please follow the link to see full PDF of the magazine: https://issuu.com/gilka/docs/gilka-qtly4
ISSN 2535-7700 Gilka QTLY#4. Made with funding from Norwegian Visual Artists' Renumeration Fund and The City of Stavanger. Printed in Norway by Gunnarshaug Trykkeri AS in January 2020.
300 copies distributed to newsagent's (Narvesen) in Norway.

Gilka QTLY#4
Arneageren, Stavanger |

Gilka QTLY#4
Jernbanen, Stavanger |

Gilka QTLY#4
Fiskepiren, Stavanger |

Gilka QTLY#4
Sølvberget, Stavanger |
Contact: post(at)gilka.no
© 2020 Geir Egil Bergjord / BONO